In 2007 startte ik bij ZNA (Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen) als ICT Domein Manager voor Administratieve Toepassingen. Het hoofddoel was de zelfontwikkelde applicaties minimaal te verbeteren en klaar te stomen voor afbouw in afwachting van een nieuw ZIS (Ziekenhuis Informatie Systeem).
healthcare manager applicaties
Na drie jaar werd mijn rol uitgebreid naar ICT Manager Ondersteunende Toepassingen. We zetten maximaal in op doorgedreven business- en procesanalyse voor de ontwikkeling van workflows om verschillende ziekenhuisprocessen te optimaliseren.
Ook nam ik de financiële en andere ondersteunende processen en applicaties onder mijn hoede en integreerde die end-to-end met administratieve processen.
healthcare manager pmo
Door de toenemende druk voor verbetering en vernieuwing, zowel van werking als van applicaties, was er in 2016 nood aan overzicht in alle aanvragen die om een projectmatige aanpak vroegen. Ik groeide door naar Manager ICT Projecten & ICT Office”. Daarbij optimaliseerde ik ook de belangrijkste processen rond budgetbeheer en governance voor projecten in ondersteunende tools.
Een jaar later evolueerde ik naar Manager Projecten & Innovatie. Ook de projecten van Kwaliteit, HR en de ziekenhuisaccreditering werden opgenomen in een ziekenhuis-brede controle en rapportering.
Healthcare consultant
Door diverse vragen uit de sector en de persoonlijke nood om mijn ervaring breder in te zetten, besloot ik in 2018 om mijn expertise breder in de markt beschikbaar te stellen. Zo startte ik als zelfstandig consultant mijn eigen bedrijf MENSENWERK (maatschappelijke naam: Re-Move GCV).
de praktijk
Team leadership & coaching, guidance & coaching of team members on project management and daily support
Selection & recruitment, recruitment of new team members and future lead of department
Projectondersteuning uitbouw ICT departement
Team leadership & coaching, guidance & coaching of team members on project management and daily support
Liaison between hospital and Emmaüs ICT department
Liaison between Dienst Informatisering and Nursing & Medical departments
EPD program management for KWS NexuzHealth suite implementation
EPD project management & project/process guidance for EPD KWS NexuzHealth suite implementation
Selection & recruitment, recruitment of new team members and future lead of department
Implement silent rooms for intensive care (centralized alarm monitoring)
HR digitalisation roadmap architecture
H++ xperthis roadmap management & contract negotiation
Process optimalisation Anapath
Business Contuinity Planning for critical business processes
Research Dicom routing & management middleware tool
Research Dicom source import tool
Upgrade CardioReportXP hardware & software (Cardio)
Upgrade Agfa iPlan hardware & software (Cardio)
Upgrade Audiqueen hardware & software (NKO)
Research PACS workstation availability tool
Upgrade Accolado software (NKO)
Implement helpdesk tool SD+ (Radiology)
Upgrade device connected audiology hardware to Windows10
Team leadership & coaching, guidance & coaching for ICT managers on management level
Organisation redesign, change and integration project of 2 ICT teams with different cultures into new organizational structure (due to merge of hospitals)
ICT project & process methodology for domain migration
ICT project & process methodology for helpdesk tool implementation (Topdesk)
Selection & recruitment, recruitment of new team members and future lead of department
End to end proces analysis with 6 teams for organizational change in 2 campi of Woonzorgcentrum Stad Hasselt
Integration Mens & Zorg – Change and integration traject of different teams with different cultures into new organizational structure
Team leadership & coaching
Software replacement (implementation + migration) for hospital administration processes front (desk) & backoffice (patients invoicing) – Oazis xperthis
Software implementation for improving hospital patients meal ordering & delivery process –CuliCart PinkRoccade
Software implementation (implementation) for hospital outfit delivery & cleaning – KUA/KIA + The Cleaning System
Software implementation for patients self-service registration at hospitals desk – Oazis xperthisSoftware implementation (process analysis + implementation) for identity & access management of internal & external resources (location access + application access through personnel badge system) – VSK Electronics
Mediation in conflict / crisis project between supplier and hospital concerning employee planning registration software
Software implementation (process analysis + implementation) for managing hospital business projects & budget demands
Program, process, project & change leadership (process analysis + implementation) for the overall quality & safety program in hospitals accreditation – JCI accrediation
Process analysis for redesign & migration legacy application into stable request ticketing system – Omnitracker Omninet
Software upgrade for all medication stores in different hospitals – Vanas
Software upgrade in conflict / crisis project in 3 independent hospitals emergency departments – E-Care
Setup (process & implementation) of application lifecycle management of critical hospital applications
Software implementation for improving patients finance in hospitals through quicker registration – XDE xperthis
Mediation in conflict / crisis project between supplier and hospital concerning paper scanning to digital storage
Software implementation (process analysis + implementation) for hospital project portfolio management
Screening of external project management courses, internal development and coaching of project management skills and methods
Guidance, advice and support analysis in architecture projects on migration of 2 applications to 1 with patient data (war on doubles)
Process optimization on different business processes in HR (f.e. recruitment workflow, education request workflow,…), IT (application access requests, equipment requests,…) and Finance (f.e. order to invoice workflow,…)
Analysis of alignment between organizational mission & vision, process landscape ownership and projects implementation with critical capacity planning
Analysis, guidance, advice and mediation on SLA agreements between business and IT alignment in hospital including smoother collaboration between the different IT departments
Mediation in conflict / crisis project between supplier and multiple hospitals concerning process on follow up maintenance critical medical devices
Process optimization in conflict / crisis project between hospital departments in safety & quality project concerning clean / non clean environments